Tell Me We've All Been There...

 So, I must tell you a funny that shows that I am as air-headed as I have been told I am a time or two. Don’t get me started on how I discovered why a flip-flop is called a flip-flop and that a cun**air is NOT, in fact, an actual unit of measurement but rather a very disturbing and vulgar term used by many in the trades (I thought it was one word, it was used in football a's a long story, but you get the gist). Now, if you "say" have never done anything like this then I am going to call BS right now! You can call it Mom Brain, call it a case of the Mondays, call it just flat out tired. Everyone has done something totally air-headed and goofy before in their lifetime.

Now skip ahead to this in the heck am I supposed to make a hot cup of coffee for my husband like this? And further, how am I going to keep him married to me being so gosh darn absent minded? Riddle me that! 

I hope you are all having a good Thursday. Just try to keep your head on straight and I will do the same :)

XOXO April


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