
Showing posts from January, 2023

41 and a Drag Queen

So, in 6 short days I will be FORTY-ONE!!! To start the week off right a group of girlfriends and I went to   Drag Queen Bingo  brunch. OH MY GOSH....we laughed until our faces hurt. Literally! I mean it was raunchy! But it was so much fun. Sabin was our host, and she has been doing it since it started, 14 years ago! She must have swore 57 times before she was done just introducing herself. She went on to tease and call out as many people as she could. This very tall, statuesque man in drag calling out Bingo numbers and mocking us all morning will be a highlight of my birthday week. It’s a good thing we all have a disturbing sense of humor and couldn’t get enough. If you are in the area and have a chance, get some friends together you won’t regret it. So long as you can take a joke and about 3,654 cuss words. Which I don’t mind. I love a good swear-fest. I’m a lady with a sailor’s mouth. As are most of my friends.   Speaking of, I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many great friends.

Spontaneity and the Day It Changed My Life

“The condition of being spontaneous; spontaneous behavior or action”. I am not a very spontaneous person, or am I? I am still a little unsure. I do come up with some hair brained ideas at the last minute and insist that we execute it immediately. Is that spontaneity or is that instant gratification? Either way, it has drove plenty of people bananas in my lifetime.    Like the time I wanted my bedroom in my new house after my divorce completely done, painted, bed and dressers assembled, new bed spread, wall décor, closet organized all in one night...after a full day of work. By 4am my mom and I were done, and she was sleep walking wondering how she created such a monster in me.    Or there was the time I wanted a desk built into my other closet, I found it on Pinterest, and it HAD to be done that day. I didn’t care how, superglue it together for all I care, I had to have it to function and get work done the next day. So, by 12:30am I had a new desk, decked out and organized ready for th

An Oldie: SAFE!! (Originally Posted 4.20.2011)

SAFE! It takes a special person to be a stay-at-home-mom! I have always felt that it was one of the hardest jobs in the world, albeit rewarding, very hard! At times I have felt it was harder than a 9-5.  So, today, as I flew down Metro Parkway going about 70 mph, I thought of this.  I have a meeting that is scheduled to start anywhere from 10-11:30am every Wednesday, I know this, but had my fingers crossed it was closer to started at 11. I had to leave no later than 11:15 to get to the school for "Fish Days" with my Olivia. I left at 11:25... Back to my thoughts on 16 Mile takes a special person to be a stay-at-home-mom. It is one of the hardest, albeit rewarding, jobs in the world.  Now, I know my girl, and I know that as each minute ticked past 11:45 her heart sank a little deeper into her stomach, as did mine. So as my fingers tapped the steering wheel and I whispered, repeatedly, "come on...come on...come on" to myself. I thought of my SAHM fri

Then and Now

Why am I doing this I ask myself? Well, I started a blog back in 2011 and I loved it.    Then… life was different... small kids, a husband, full time blossoming career and a lifetime of happiness in front of me. Nothing but time to raise my family, work and shoot for the future I always dreamed of. I was 29 then…. now I am 40, 41 next week to be fair. Boy did the world have a different plan for me. Have you ever been blindsided? I mean truly blindsided, like one day you go to sleep, and the road is going straight, as you planned and expected, and the next thing you know you wake up and there is a sharp left turn that then jags right and suddenly you are hanging off a cliff wondering what the hell just happened? That was what the next 10 years of my life had in store for me. Would I change it? Nope. Would I like to have done a few hundred things differently? Yep.    Now, I am almost 41, as I told you, and have a happiness I never could have imagined. If someone had shown me in a crystal

What to Expect from Me

Stories from the past, present, and dreams of the future... sprinkled with some of my many zany ideas and hobbies that probably won’t last, recipes and my adventures in travel. Don't forget the many ups and occasional downs of being a 41-year-old newlywed, mother, almost empty nester, and social butterfly.  I hope you enjoy a Blog or two and if you do, please comment, and share your experiences with me too. I am always looking for stories, comments, recipes and of course other Blogs to follow. XOXO April